Jobs for Engineers in Chicago, Illinois
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2 Chicago Engineer Jobs Found
Sarah C
Chicago, Illinois
Active over a week ago
Hiring Experienced Engineer in Chicago - $35.0/hour - Immediate Opening!
Are you a talented engineer in Chicago, Illinois who is ready to tackle challenging projects?
I'm Sarah, and I'm looking for a viable cand...
Are you a talented engineer in Chicago, Illinois who is ready to tackle challenging projects?
I'm Sarah, and I'm looking for a viable candidate to join my team. If you're a highly motivated engineer with the ability to think on your feet, and you're willing to put in the effort to get the job done, then I want to hear from you.
You'll be working on developing projects and be...
Mark S
Chicago, Illinois
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
Help Students In Need! Stevenson High School
Hey, my name is Mark. I'm a business student at Stevenson High School and I was wondering if a mechanical engineer could meet with my team a...
Hey, my name is Mark. I'm a business student at Stevenson High School and I was wondering if a mechanical engineer could meet with my team and I and offer any insight on a school project. We will happily treat you to lunch! Thanks metric ton in advance!
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